I was happy to hear from my ob today that the baby is in the head-down position!
You don't know how worried I was that I would end up with a breeched baby.
Supposedly, the frequency of babies in the breech position is only 3%-4%, but when I count all the people I personally know that had a breeched baby and had to do a c-section, the statistic seems closer to 50%!
(There goes all your efforts in child birth, prenatal yoga, and Lamaze class!).

For the last few weeks, I've been trying to do silly things that supposedly will prevent breeched babies like "keeping your knees below your pelvis at all times". This was tough since I love propping my legs up or sitting indian style!
Glad I don't have to do this
Still a bit wary, I asked the ob "is it possible that the baby will flip back up again?".
The ob said: "very unlikely".
Then he said, if this was not my first kid or if I was a bigger person, then it is more possible for the baby to flip back up since there is more space in there to move. But for me and my size, he thinks it's very unlikely.
It really feels like a pile of bricks have been lifted off my chest!
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