Wednesday, August 29, 2012


~11 months ago, I wrote about our house having termites and it would cost about $1500 to fumigate.
Well, we never got around to it and I figured that, if I just didn't think about it, maybe they would go away!  (oh, the solution to all my problems...)

It appears that I cannot continue pushing the termites to the back of my head because this afternoon, when I stepped into my bathroom, what did I see in my bathtub?


We are getting our house (the wood) treated for termites this Friday.  I am having the guy that sprayed our house for ants and spiders last week (and 3 years ago) to come take care of our termites too.  Fumigation would have costed $1500-$1800 with this guy, but he said he can simply come treat our wood, which is easier and takes less time, and only costs $550! 
I think how it works is, once the wood is treated, when termites eat it, they will die. 

Let's hope this is the last time I have to think about termites for the next few years.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Need to get 3 things -- where to begin!

We have 3 big things we need to buy, but doing the research to find what we need at a great price is a lot of work! 
Where to begin?!

We need to buy:
1. King sized mattress with king sized bed frame and bedding without breaking the bank.  The mattress must not jiggle when someone shifts in the bed.  The bed frame must not creak when moving in the bed. 

2. A good steam mop for under $100 that doesn't damage hardwood floors.  My Swiffer just pushes dirty gunk from point a to point b.

3. A guy to spray our house with poison (without killing Caitlin and the guinea pigs) since I'm sick and tired of ants, spiders, and mysterious creepy crawlies invading our home (see photo on the right).  The last time we got our house sprayed, we paid $30.  I would like something in that price range again.  =]

Please send suggestions my way.  =D