Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Destination unknown, Ruby ruby ruby ruby soho

On Sunday, we brought home Ruby (original name is Roja) to be a part of our family.
After Truffles passed away ~2 weeks ago, Marbles really needed another friend (Marbles wanted to spend every minute with us. It was cute... but creepy at the same time.)

So far, Ruby seems pretty vocal: squeaking when she hears plastic bags, and chirping and gobbling when trotting around. She seems to love to eat too. So far, I can see *loves* romaine, fresh cut grass, carrots, timothy hay... the list goes on. Sometimes, I see Ruby following Marbles, so I think she is fitting in pretty well.

Ruby's birthday is June 4, 2010. (It's her 2 month birthday today!) We named her "Ruby" because her eyes are red like rubies, and "Ruby" is a stone, just like "Marble".
We adopted her through OC Cavy Haven.

And now, the most important part...

Gotta give Marbles some LOVE too!!
rwar! she so hungry for fingers!